萬聖節又來臨 沈美怡(99聯合經濟)不幸於8月下旬逝世
每年8月和萬聖節都會想起以前的女朋友Josephine, 因為她在2000年8月17日而過生. 我今天一想起她就在網頁上很想搜尋她過生的事. 她是在香港仔水塘自殺的, 我到現在都不會忘記的, 最主要是她過生之後, 我和她都是一樣比記者登入至全香港報紙. 我也可以被記者跟蹤到公司連自己都不知道, 須然她的死和我冇關. 但我總是有責任要成擔, 為什麼? 到現在都是一個......?
Every year August and Halloween, I would still thinking back about my Ex GF. Her name is Josephine, she suicuide on the year of 2000 August 17 at Aberdeen. I can never forget about this, I dont even know why? Maybe because all the news reporter from Hong Kong, they doesnt even care of other people's feeling. News reporter following me to the company that I work, but I am too stupid I didnt even know at that time. She die doesnt concern me of anything, but I still think that I have to take some responsibility. Why? I still doesnt know what kind of responsibilities that I have to take....?